Flamingo Research

Flamingo Scientific Research

The Flamingo is a very interesting animal, and one that there has been a great deal of research about. There are still many questions that remain though. For example the exact origin of them, how they evolved, and even which other animals out there they have more in common with still has to be examined in more detail to come up with definite answers. This is one element of Flamingo research where you will find plenty of conflicting ideas.

One of the most common questions that people ask about the Flamingo has to do with its trademark characteristic of standing on only one foot. After plenty of research it is believed that this process allows them to conserve energy. It also helps to prevent body heat from leaving the body so they are able to better maintain the perfect temperature. It is also known that Flamingos do sleep while standing up. Only one part of their brain sleeps at a time though so that they can change from one foot to the next.

Researching the color of the Flamingo has been a very interesting path. What has been learned is that the young are white and gray. They won’t get the colors we are familiar with including pinks, reds, and orange shades until they are about 3 years old. The foods that they consume have large amounts of Beta Carotene in them which is how they get the coloring. When food is scarce they will start to fade in their coloring.

This research has helped make it possible for the Flamingo to be held successfully in captivity. They are fed pellets that have Beta Carotene in them too so that they maintain their color. Caregivers can easily tell when certain Flamingos aren’t eating enough too due to the color changes so that is something they keep a close eye on.

The unique way in which Flamingos are able to feed it very interesting to researchers. They are able to bend their neck around to feed upside down. They are filter feeders and that process involves them being able to take in both water and food. They have to expel the salt water from their bodies though. Research also shows that Flamingos have to have fresh water to consume too.

It is known that Flamingos have to change their habitat at times to be able to feed. It isn’t known though what all the factors are that will get them to make the decision to permanently relocate. They are known to fly hundreds of miles a day to find food if it isn’t readily available around them.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things that have been researched is the way in which those in a colony will do the same movement with their bodies at the same time. There is like an internal mechanism that they follow and it is extremely interesting. All of them will mate at the same time too which is something very few animals are known to do. This allows them to all be born within a few days of each other.

A great deal of research regarding Flamingos has had to do with the fact that their natural environments continue to be ruined by humans. Efforts to reduce pollution, reduce the effects of global warming, and to help the Flamingos to be able to live a long and healthy life in the wild continue. This way there are is less of a chance of them becoming extinct in the future. It does take plenty of time though to see the success of such programs which is why getting the research done now is so important.

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